13. September 2024


The TanZebras have created a very special Advent calendar for you. In cooperation with local businesses, active and former players and many supporters of the TanZebras, small items as well as three or four somewhat larger gifts have been hidden in the advent calendar over the last few weeks.

Every day, a door is opened and the donation number is announced. All donors to the Advent calendar are automatically entered. For a donation of 5 € you have the chance to win one of the 24 doors with individual gifts. For every €5 donated, your donation number will be added to the Advent Calendar. So if you have donated 20 €, your number will be in the Advent calendar four times.

The proceeds of the Advent calendar campaign will help the TanZebras to establish permaculture. This will enable the TanZebras to take another step towards independence. The donations will be used for seeds and seedlings to plant the farmland. We have therefore put together different donation packages for you, based on the planting on the farmland.

Every day from 1 December, a door will be opened and the winner of the prize will be announced.

As a donor, you take part in the draw for the 24 prizes. For every € 5 you donate, one donation number will be added to the Advent calendar. If you donate e.g. 20 €, your chance of winning increases fourfold, because there will be four of your donation numbers in the lottery pot!

Thank you for supporting the TanZebras in the “Permaculture” project and good luck with the prize draw!

We wish you and your family a merry pre-Christmas season and stay healthy!

Zebraherde e.V.
IBAN: DE 83 8306 5408 0004 2986 59
Deutsche Skatbank
Zweigniederlassung der VR-Bank Altenburger Land eG
Verwendungszweck: „Adventskalender“ + Emailadresse (!)” (bitte xxxxxxx[at]xxxxxxxxxx.de benutzen anstatt @, das geht im Verwendungszweck oftmals nicht! Oder schreibt uns einfach an unter: info@tanzebras.com)

Via the links on the graphics shown below, you can participate in the Christmas campaign with pineapples, bananas, mangos, a fruit basket or a freely selectable amount! These graphics are only symbolic. We will decide which seedlings we will buy for the Shamba according to our needs.

Besides pineapples, bananas and mangoes, more perennials, plants and trees will be planted on the shamba to get a good mix of fruit rotation. Cashew nut trees, papaya, melons, oranges and small plants like tomatoes (in the central area next to the house) are planned. For this we need your support.


So far there have been 0€ donations for the Advent Calendar! Thank you very much!