15. July 2024

Our Advent calendar for you

With our Advent calendar, we would first like to give you a little review of the last year of the TanZebras, off the pitch. T

The main focus of the TanZebras is of course football, but the TanZebras family is more than just football. Besides the cohesion of the players, cultural events, education and training, promotion of sustainable and ecological agriculture, the TanZebras enable children and young people to get to know many new areas.

In the meantime, a street football team, which was founded in 2014 with 12 children, has developed into a real football club. TanZberas FC has now become a home for more than 100 children and young people.

This year, MSV Duisburg accepted the TanZebras as an official honorary team! An incredible honour, a great gesture that we are very proud of!

Together, in the same colours, in the same jerseys, thousands of kilometres away, across continents. Every player of the TanZebras is very proud to wear the colours of MSV Duisburg in Tanzania! We stand together, we are Zebras!

This year, “Together we can” was a great, creative music project of our players, which expresses this cohesion very well.

This year’s advent calendar is again themed on sustainability to further develop our shamba (“farmland”). We have provided you with many photos and a few videos so that you can see for yourselves what has been done in the last year thanks to your support and what it looks like on the ground.

In addition, there are 24 great gifts again this year!

We would be very happy about a donation for the advent calendar, which will directly benefit the TanZebras on site!

We wish you all a peaceful, healthy and wonderful Christmas season with your loved ones.

Asante sana!

Would you like to help us build up permaculture and maybe (with a bit of luck) receive a great gift from the advent calendar? Here is all the information:

Here you can participate in the Advent calendar with your donation:

You can donate directly via PayPal or credit card using this link. If you prefer to donate the traditional way, by bank transfer, please send your donation to:

Zebraherde e.V.
IBAN: DE 83 8306 5408 0004 2986 59
Deutsche Skatbank
Zweigniederlassung der VR-Bank Altenburger Land eG
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