Not only were there prizes to be won, but the donations generated could be used to build a multifunctional house on our small shamba (Swaheli for field).
After we were able to install a well including solar energy supply with the support of the German Embassy in Dar Es Salaam, and before we can cultivate large areas of plants to bring the permaculture to full bloom, we had to make sure that the local field helpers, but also our children, have suitable accommodation available while working on their agricultural project.
Our main helper, Tuzo, had until then only a small, draughty mud hut as a retreat when he wanted to recover from the sun. Thanks to the many donations, we were finally able to start the construction of a small building after the months of the big rainy season (February to May).
This will have three rooms: a sleeping and recreation room, a tool room and one where we will hopefully soon be able to temporarily store the Shamba’s harvest.
Below are some pictures of the foundation of the building. On one of the pictures you can see the mud hut on the left edge. What a difference!
Here our biggest thanks go to all the diligent donors from the calendar campaign – asante sana!
More information about shamba will follow soon 😉